
Some Call Them Devils for Their Appearance

In fact, manta rays are amazing sea giants, and diving or snorkeling with them brings a lot of positive emotions.

To make your encounter with manta rays even more interesting, we have collected a few entertaining facts about these amazing creatures.

1. The spots on the belly of the manta are similar to fingerprints, they are individual. If you catch a manta with your camera, definitely send the pictures to the Manta Trust. If the animal is already on their database, you'll find out more information about the animal you've encountered. If not yet, your photo will make a huge contribution to the organization's stingray research efforts.

2. The bodies of mantas are covered in a film that protects them from harmful bacteria. It is very important never to touch the mantas so that this film is not accidentally removed.

3. Manta can swallow a child, but will never do so, as its diet is based on plankton and small fish. Humans, neither big nor small, are of no gastronomic interest to it. But the manta can eat about half a ton of plankton during the day.

4. Mantas are very intelligent creatures. They are able to make a map of the environment, using sight and smell. They can also pass the “mirror test”, which is used to determine the self-consciousness of animals. If you put a mirror in front of a manta, it will realize that it sees itself and not a relative.